iProo; a foremost virtual freelance company is rewarding scholars this October via an online quiz session scheduled to hold on the 14 th of October.
Prior to this, iProo has been extending its support to freelancers registered on the platform via the monthly iProo Turf which enables individuals obtain a cash reward of N50,000.
Earlier in August, iProo launched an initiative tagged “iProo VALI” which allowed some of its Facebook followers obtain the sum of N10,000 cash by simply providing feedbacks to
simplified questions via the official Facebook page.
These individuals were duly
acknowledged and they also expressed their gratitude online via the commentary session of their timeline. You can check out the questions asked by looking up iProo on Facebook.
Currently, to mark its first CSR month; the firm has unveiled “iProo VALI-X” which seeks to
reward outstanding scholars on the 17 th of Octoberwith the sum of N100,000 cash through an online assessment session which can be taken via any internet enabled device.
You can register for the “iProo VALI-X” before the application closes on the 6th of October by simply visiting http://www.iproo.net/vali-x/
Only 100 applications will be considered.
Endeavour to have an active bank account as cash rewards will be duly disbursed to the respective accounts of successful individuals.
Register Here:- www.iproo.net/vali-x/